
Game Information



The Mage

He is one of the last humans to be able to use magic. He was trained in secret to be able to better use his abilities, but he distanced himself from society when he became an adult. Some of his friends visit him, but nobody is left that knows his secret. Soon, he will need to return, proudly bearing his gift in the name of good.


The Mage’s Friend

This is an early concept sketch for a character currently planned to be a childhood friend for the mage. She doesn’t know about his magic ability, but few things stay a secret forever. The Friend will serve an integral role in plot/narrative.


The Thangatn

The race of bird people that live in tribes along the near edge of the desert. These people are friendly yet fierce, and are prideful. They live on little water and prefer to eat the desert beasts that they hunt at night. They place tradition in high value and are extremely loyal to their chosen friends, but it is not usually so simple to get on their good side.




Manifest your magical power into a flaming orb of destruction! This spell is basic, but still has a lot of depth. Master it to increase the damage it does to enemies, the speed that you can cast it, and the number of additional effects it has.



Freeze environmental vapor into huge chunks of ice which then fall on your target. Great for keeping a hoard of weak monsters at bay, and mastering it will cause it to rain more ice in less time, and over a wider area.



Deter enemies from touching you by applying an intense electric field around your body. The charge is harmless—to you, anyway. Become skilled in casting this spell, and watch fingers of electricity leap from you to your target, even at a distance.




It is said that Surtr was once used to guard a world of fire. The fire conjured by Surtr has been known to destroy villages. The ownership of the staff has changed countless times in the past century.

Fire spells cast with Surtr are stronger, and normal spells cast by Surtr inflict additional fire damage.



Alchemy has a large place in the world due to the falling-out of magic. There are potions for everything; medicine, energy, and even to imitate the effects of certain spells. Some potions may be more powerful than others, however, and since these are only made by the most skilled alchemists, they may be difficult to come across. There are also poisons which are meant to be thrown at enemies to damage them or slow them down. There may even be potions that will both help and hurt the user.


Feathered Bangle

Made from monster feathers. Said to bring luck when travelling in the wilderness—caravan riders will often wear them.

While wearing the Feathered Bangle, avian monsters may recognize the patterning and allow your presence without becoming aggresive.




Not very intelligent, but shows some tribal instinct. Goblins will recklessly charge into a battle without any forethought or sense of self-preservation. They tend to be weak, but every now and then there’s one that just refuses to give up.


Spathur larva

The offspring of the dreaded spathur. They mostly exist to gather food for their mother, and the vast majority of them die naturally before they mature. On the rare occasion that a larva matures, it will either join the male adults and wait to mate, or, if female, kill the current mother and take its place.



Not very aggressive, but they are territorial. They have avian ancestry, though they have no wings. They thrive in environments with plenty of open space, but that still have some to take fruit and nuts from. Parallus are very quick.